The Nine Secrets of Bedroom Design Tips for Deep, Uninterrupted Sleep

The Nine Secrets of Bedroom Design Tips for Deep, Uninterrupted Sleep

The Nine Secrets of Bedroom Design Tips for Deep, Uninterrupted Sleep


Everyone benefits from deep, uninterrupted sleep. Whether you're dealing with a stressful job or an around-the-clock busy house, sometimes it seems near impossible to sleep all the way through the night. You may wake up tossing and turning, soaked in sweat, or hearing sounds outside that keep you awake.  

While you can't stop the world from turning while you sleep --if only! -- you can bring the world to a stop inside your bedroom. For many, the key to deep, uninterrupted sleep is to build your bedroom into a dark, peaceful oasis - a quiet getaway where you can finally catch hours of deep and restful sleep. 

Not sure where to start? Here are our nine best secrets to turn your bedroom into a deep-sleep oasis.


1) Weather-Strip Your Bedroom Doors and Windows

Hear too many outside sounds? Soundproofing a room takes blankets and panels on the wall but the quick (and surprisingly effective) first step is weather stripping. One roll of weather stripping or just insulating foam strips can seal your bedroom from outside sounds. Block drafts and sounds from sweeping in around your door, and your bedroom windows if necessary.  


2) Turn Off or Cover All Light Sources 

Your eyes can detect light even when the lids are closed, which is why light wakes you when you're sleeping. Minimize light in your room, and not just from light bulbs. Every device with a little LED glow reduces the quality of your sleep. It's not uncommon to throw something (a towel, scarf, or blanket) over your bedroom tech when it's time for sleep.  Give yourself a totally dark room to sleep in, getting rid of all those tiny lights. It's also handy to use smart lights so you can switch them off without having to get back out of bed.


3) Use a Sound Machine or Fan for White Noise

If you're often woken up by noises - or even the creak of a quiet house - try a sound machine to create white noise. White noise fills the room with soft whooshing that masks the wavelength of other sounds. You can muffle voices and even make distant door thumps less bothersome. Your brain will eventually associate the white noise with sleep, and you'll get sleepy when you switch it on. A whirring fan can also help make white noise if you don’t have a sound machine.



4) Fresh Sheets and the Right Pillows

Give yourself a fresh, comfortable place to sleep. It’s important to choose the right pillows for you and always have fresh, comfy sheets. Cotton sheets are great for warm summer nights and cotton flannel sheets are toasty for cool winter nights.  A soft pillow works great if you're a stomach sleeper, but it is important to have the right neck support for back sleep. Choosing the right pillow will take some trial and error, but you will feel more rested if you have the right kind of support for you. Give your body the comfort to relax completely so you can sleep through the night without tossing and turning.


5) Earplugs and Noise-Cancelling Headphones

White noise still can't mask interrupting sounds? Try earplugs or noise-cancelling. Headphones work best if you don't move very much when you sleep, and sleep on your back or stomach. Earplugs should be worn carefully - to protect your eardrums and inner ear skin - but can be essential to feeling truly alone and able to drift into sleep. These can be very useful for taking a quick nap during the daytime when there can be more outside noise.


6) Bedtime-Only Aromatherapy

Light a scented candle or warm an essential oil that means 'bedtime' to you. Then only use that scent when it's time to go to bed. Just like the white noise, your brain will start to associate the special scent with time for sleep. Choose a scent that enhances relaxation and sleep quality to multiply your effect. Give yourself a sleep scent that can carry you more comfortably into dreaming. Popular scents that help with sleep are lavender, bergamot, and clary sage.


7) Sunset and Sunrise Light Fade

Soft light changes are a natural indicator of sleep and waking for humans. Sunrise lights, for example, can reduce morning grogginess and fight jet lag. Sunset lighting (yellow light) can help you wind down in the evening and get deeper sleep through the night. So, avoid bright lights at night with blue tones-- that include screens. At night to improve sleep, you want to avoid:  fluorescent lights, LED lights, televisions, cell phones and tablets, computer screens, and other electronic screens, like gaming devices.


8) Blackout Curtains and DIY Blackout

Don't let that pesky sunshine into your bedroom when you are scheduled for a deep sleep. The brightness signals you to wake up, so you might want to use blackout curtains. Attach your curtains all the way around the window so that no light seeps through. You can order them pre-maid, or you can make your own with fabric. Thick microfiber, or other tight weave, is an excellent fabric to use for blackout curtains. When you are choosing fabric, hold it up to the light to see how transparent it is.


9) Seasonal Blanket Swap

According to the Sleep Foundation, the best bedroom temperature for sleep is approximately 65 degrees Fahrenheit. This could vary a bit between people, but a cooler room creates better sleep. As soon as the weather changes, consider switching your blanket.

Switch to a lightweight cotton blanket in the summer that gives you just a hint of cover or a heavier blanket like a down comforter or fleece blanket in cold weather to ensure a long and cozy night of sleep.


For more insights on how to complete your bedroom oasis with the perfect lighting, contact us today!

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